What is Testosterone propionate
When injecting natural testosterone into a muscle, the time for complete disintegration of the drug increases to 10 hours, which is also not enough to obtain a serious result.
In the course of research aimed at creating a drug that works, but with a longer lasting effect on the body, derivatives of this hormone were obtained.
Today, these substances belong to the class of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) and have different names, release forms and periods of exposure to the human body.
And yet, many AAS users are interested in those injection de propionate de testosterone in which the active ingredient is good old testosterone.
We will definitely talk about each of them more specifically, and I would like to start with testosterone propionate, available in the form of injections.
Distinctive features
Personally, I think testosterone propionate is a drug that is often unfairly neglected by AAS users. But it is simply designed to build strength!
1. Testosterone propionate perfectly stabilizes androgen receptors, accelerating protein synthesis in the user’s body. Which indicates its very strong androgenic effect.
2. At the same time, propionate compares favorably with other testosterone preparations in that when taking it, significant water retention in the body can be avoided.
3. Another distinctive feature of propionate is its pharmacokinetics. It begins to act almost immediately after entering the body, increasing appetite and having a positive effect on the central nervous system. As a result, we have an increase in strength indicators and a reduction in recovery time after training loads.
4. With all the advantages of propionate, its disadvantage can be considered a short period of influence on the user’s body - only 1-2 days. Which means fairly frequent injections. And yet I believe that if used wisely, this minus can be turned into a plus.
How, when, how much?
Let me clarify that in this article we are considering the possibilities of using testosterone propionate as the only substance used by the user in the first "course”.
It is precisely this careful acquaintance with androgenic-anabolic steroids that will help in the future to obtain the maximum effect from their use and maintain the benefit-harm balance. In this vein, a little earlier we looked at methandrostenolone, and now we’ll look at testosterone propionate.
Yes, I believe that propionate is quite suitable for "solo” use in the following schemes: "strength”, as well as "strength and mass”. The dosage in the tables is given in mg of the active substance.
If you look carefully at the first table, you will notice that propionate injections are given every third day. This scheme allows you to promptly "drain” the water, which, albeit in relatively small quantities, is retained by this drug. And, first of all, maintain the growth of strength indicators. That is why this scheme is more suitable for powerlifting fans.